Thursday, November 26, 2009

Who isn't a fan of Queen? Or at least their "Bohemian Rhapsody"? Everyone knows it and loves it (for the most part). So here's the original:

And for you viewing pleasure, here's the one I found yesterday.

I was so overjoyed when I watched it. I mean, it's the muppets!!! Incredible.

There are times when you wish there was someone beside you and then you have those times when you're glad you're single. This is just the song that goes to show that "happiness is being single":

Kate Earl, a new artist. I have yet to go through her entire album, but this song really sticks. It's called "Melody" and it's so sweet. I don't really care for the video, but I hope you enjoy the song and check her out!

If live in the US, then you're celebrating Thanksgiving unless you're one of those people who doesn't believe in celebrating holidays...Who wouldn't want to celebrate Thanksgiving though? Great food, family reunions, gatherings with friends, and then a day followed by great bargains at department stores and stores et cetera. I love Thanksgiving! So Happy Thanksgiving!

I was thinking of what songs I could post today. Of course, the first song that comes to mind is this one:

But then you need something different too, right? Here's Sigur Ros' "Gobbledigook":

Have a fantastic holiday and if you don't celebrate, just have a jolly good day!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Lately, I've been into music box sounds. You know, the little ringing, chimey sounds? I can't really describe it, but it's similar to what's in this song by Snow Patrol:


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thanks to my friend, Kate, I've become a fan of none other than GERMAN MUSIC! Aren't you excited? International music kills, people. If you haven't given it a listen, you definitely should. You won't be disappointed even if you can't understand it.

This is Xavier Naidoo. He's an amazing mix of awesome. His voice is soulful and wise. He has a very classy appearance to him that makes the audience feel like he has lived through the downs in life. It's perfection what he does. He also sings in English. Check him out, folks!

If you ever get to know me, you'll find that I'm very fond of French music and culture. Despite the fact that my French teacher turned me off to it for a couple of years because she was a [bleeping] racist, I've come out of that phase happier than ever. High school is overrated anyways. Nothing good comes out of it.

Today I'm introducing Fight Aids. It's not really a band, but a gathering of famous singers who all work to bring awareness to the ongoing AIDS problem. I think the accumulation of artists sharing the same goals in bring up a topic that is of great concern is admirable.

Written by the lead singer of the disbanded band, Kyo, here is "L'or de nos vies":

Saturday, November 14, 2009


I didn't really like Shakira's first single, "She Wolf", but I can't say the same about her second single "Did It Again".

And plus, her video is HOT! The guy who dances with her is incredible. If you're curious, his name is Daniel 'Cloud' Campos. Believe me, he's steamy. I did some Googling on him and it turns out that he was one of the dancers on Madonna's Confessions Tour. The same dancer that I couldn't get my eyes off of. He really has a way of standing out.

Here's the video, and thanks to Phil who shared it:

We just finished the week of Sesame Street on Google logos, but I have yet to get over that awesomeness. It brought back so many sweet childhood memories. What's great about today though is that I've discovered this video:

One of my favorite singers, Feist, on Sesame Street singing about counting to four:

Love it!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Not, but in the video, some of the dudes playing Sebastien Tellier do look like the cavemen from the Geico commercials. It just enhances everything in my opinion. :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Today's weather was less than enjoyable. Rain, rain, and more rain. And cold, plus wind! UGH! And not to mention the fact that I'm nervous about the exam I took Tuesday. UGHHHHH need to clear my mind and focus on writing 15 page papers. Here we go. Let me feel human again...

Civil Twilight's "Human"

And staying on the theme of human stuffs, here's a Japanese song for you. K's "Only Human" off the 1 Litre of Tears soundtrack. 1 Litre of Tears is a Japanese drama or jdorama. It's the saddest drama series you will ever watch if you watch it.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


NEW ALBUM ANNOUNCEMENT! Came out yesterday if Wikipedia is up-to-date and valid. You know the whole credibility issue despite its convenience, I'm sure.

Flyleaf's Memento Mori is out. If you liked their first album, I can easily say that this one is just as good. Lacey's vocals have only gotten better. Maybe the married life has done her good? Who knows? She's as cute as ever and equally as talented.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The song that started it all for Radiohead. Thom Yorke refuses to sing it ever again at concerts or when requested, which is kind of sad since I'll never ever get to see it actually performed, but I guess I've somewhat come to terms with it. I just really want to see "Nude" performed live now. *sighs* I've seen the video recording on youtube and was so moved that well...I so badly want to see it for myself.

Right, on to the video posting for today. I'm really feeling "Creep" today. I'm not depressed or anything, but having to write a stupid book review while suffering from back pains is kind of a downer. And today is so nice. It's sunny and partially warm.

I loved this video. I think it pretty much explains everything in the song.

P.S. Still working on the appearance of the blog. I need to make a cool header and stuff, so just wait for it, I guess.

Friday, November 6, 2009

"You just can't do anything about it." It's so true, sometimes you really can't do anything when it comes to things in the world or with ourselves for that matter.

Really, if you haven't heard Thom Yorke's solo album, I suggest you do if you're a fan of Radiohead or their latest album, In Rainbows.

Another favorite off his album. I didn't know this had a video...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's kind of sad that no one comments on my posts, but I suppose that can't be helped. This blog must not be that interesting. *sniffles* Very well. All I can do is carry on.

So today's post is for the cover of Kate Bush's "This Woman's Work". Sung by a man, gosh, it's moving and soothing. I can't stop listening to this:

I hope you like it, and that it moves you just as it does me. Incredible. Also check out Maxwell's new album, BLACKsummers'night.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I just deleted a heck of a lot of people off my friends list on Facebook and I've never felt better! It's not that I don't like the people, but it's like there's really no personal connection there that gives me an obligation to keep them as a friend, you know? Sure, I could network and all, but seeing all those updates that I don't care about and having to "hide" everything, it gets way too tedious. So, with that done for the day (though I'll probably delete more), I'm turning a new leaf this autumn with a list of friends who've meant something to me at some point and still actually care to keep in touch.

Here's a fitting song:

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I don't know about you, but I find the songs and artists that can calmly put you to sleep are powerful. I don't think just about anyone can do that. It's not sleep due to boring lyrics or tedious instrumentals, but how they play with your emotions to allow you a peaceful night's rest.
