Sunday, December 13, 2009

because that would be SCANDALOUS! Haha, so I'm posting, yes, again! The day after, which is good because I haven't really been updating as much as I initially hoped. So it's about 20 some minutes before midnight and what am I doing? Writing my freakin' rough draft of my ~10 page research paper. It has gotten somewhere, but I've had so much trouble with this. It's ridiculous! Anyways, taking a brain breather, here's some new music! My friend Ahmed mentioned them in his FB status and I was so curious that I Youtubed them and here's what I found:

Loooooove! If you like it, check out their album because it's damn good.

P.S. I signed up for Daily Booth! I really can't believe I did. Hahaha. Check it out if you want and follow me!