Thursday, October 1, 2009

Oh gosh no, not Taylor Swift. I think I've gotten enough of her and that Kanye drama a few weeks(?) back. Now it's constant airplay of all her songs and let me tell can only get so much of her before it gets really old for a really long time. And I like her music! Gotta blame the radio stations for turning me completely off to her. It'll probably take a year for me to get back or maybe another album before I can stand to listen to her music again.

Now that you know my current situation with that, here's something I have yet to tire of:

This was an amazing cover of Massive Attack. I never heard of Newton Faulkner until I saw this video. Made me sit with awe when he started tapping his guitar and playing with his left hand. Talent, I'd say. Great vocals too.

I hope you enjoy!

If you want to hear the original: